Third NDA liveDemolition event!

Published: 22/1, 2020

PDa Magazine is pleased to present regular updates from the US National Demolition Association. This column comes from NDA Executive Director Jeff Lambert.

The National Demolition Association is firing on all cylinders and member benefits are at an all-time high. In 2019, our NDA Safety App was continuously updated with added content and greater usability and now has over 70 Safety Talks and features JHA. In addition, we launched our new website that features NDA’s Grassroots Action Center and Procurement Opportunities Portal. The Action Center allows members to contact policymakers and those in federal agencies to educate them on the pressing issues, and the procurement portal allows our members to search available opportunities for federal work. If you are not a member now is the time to join and take advantage of these new benefits including our world-class training and education programming at

The NDA is leading the charge in education and training. In October, we hosted the KHL World Demolition Summit in Boston, Massachusetts, and coincided this meeting with our Fall Leadership Forum. We held a “Foundations of Demolition” training class attended by demolition professionals from Europe. If you have not done so, I encourage you to register for one or all four training courses: Estimating, Project Management, Job Cost Tracking, and Risk Management and obtain your Certificate of Demolition Management. Learn the latest techniques and methods to save you money and ensure your workers safety on the jobsite. Check our website for future dates and locations.

In February, the NDA will be in Austin, Texas, for our Annual Convention. We are proud to announce this will be our third LiveDemo Event. Multiple pieces of heavy equipment will be available for use, testing, and operating. We will have small equipment competitions at the event. For the first time, we will be offering training at the LiveDemo site.

In its second year, the event grew to almost 700 attendees and became an all-day event. The Live DEMOlition Event gives attendees the opportunity to talk to vendors in person about their equipment and test before purchase. It also gives our attendees and vendors an opportunity to connect and build stronger relationships outside of the traditional Expo setting.

In education, we are excited to welcome this year’s keynote speaker, Seth Mattison (right). Seth advises many of the world’s leading organizations on talent management, leadership, and the future of work. During our keynote address, Seth will be sharing insights on how to manage a team and establish strong leadership roles. Additionally, OSHA is returning to speak on the top ten violations for the demolition industry and on regulatory updates for construction that would apply to demolition.

In 2019, we had more than 1,000 demolition professionals from across the country join us for Demolition Rockies and welcomed 89 exhibitors in the Expo. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn the latest demolition techniques, network with suppliers, end-users and general contracts to take your company to the next level.

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