OilQuick Releases New Grapple Module

Published: 24/7

OilQuick has developed a completely new grapple module for its tiltrotators. The module will be available in four different sizes, beginning with the GM950, which fits OilQuick’s OQ70 and OQ65 quick

couplers and can be applied to several of OilQuick’s tiltrotators. The biggest news is OQ Sync. An OilQuick-exclusive solution for faster and more precise control of the grapple jaws. With OQ Sync, the grapple jaws move smoothly and synchronized in all positions and speeds.

A traditional system depends on the load and speed of the grapple jaws. If one jaw encounters resistance, the other jaw wants to move at a higher speed, causing them to become out of phase in the gripping motion.

With OQ Sync, automatic equalization of the jaws occurs every time the grapple jaws are fully closed. This completely eliminates the risk of the jaws becoming out of sync, for example, in case of uneven loading or when slow closingthe jaws. OQ Sync ensures that the grapple jaws always meet tip-to-tip and that all lifts occur centered in the grapple. The three-finger grapple jaws are made of high-strength cast steel. The edges are rounded so as not to damage sensitive objects such as cables. The hydraulic cylinders are protected in fixed brackets. No loose parts that risk breaking or coming loose. When the grapple is fully closed, the claw tips are placed inside the edge of the module’s frame. Nothing protrudes and risks getting stuck in the surroundings.


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