NDA Winter Leadership Forum Sets Long-Term Goals

Published: 30/12, 2022

PDa Magazine is pleased to present regular updates from the US National Demolition Association. This column comes from NDA Executive Director Jeff Lambert.

NDA held its strategic planning session at the annual Winter Leadership Forum. Every other year, prior to the start of a of a new President’s term, we conduct our biennial strategic plan, which presents opportunities to build on the successes from the previous years to meet the needs of the industry. Our goal is to link resources and programs to our mission.

Based on this year’s member needs assessment, meetings with a focus group, the Executive Committee, meetings and a growth session at our fall meeting, three themes emerged:

* Membership

* Workforce

* Safety

At the end of the session, there was consensus to recruit and retain top tier demolition companies, launch chapter networks, implement member workforce recruiting and retention tools, and credential 300 demolition supervisors by 2026. The plan will be finalized, reviewed and approved by the Board at the February Convention and Expo meeting. This plan will set that destination and chart our course through 2026.

The Awards Committee has finalized winners and scholarship recipients that will be announced at the Annual NDA Awards Banquet at Convention & Expo in Phoenix. And speaking of Demolition Phoenix, I hope to see you there February 22-25. This year we have a fantastic education lineup—Scrap Update, Electric Construction Equipment, Dust Control/OSHA Session, Women in Demolition Panel, Tool Use and Maintenance Roundtable, Options for Controlling Fuel Costs, Helmets to Hardhats, and the popular “What’s Keeping You Up at Night.” In addition, we are offering our Pre-Conference Courses: Demolition Superintendent Bootcamp and Hands-on Equipment Maintenance. If you have not done so, book your room and register. Registration is shaping up to be one of our most heavily attended Convention & Expos ever.

The NDA Industry Committee is in the process of finalizing the Explosive Demolition Guidance and Power Plant Guidance Documents. We hope to release the two important documents to general membership in the New Year. 

The NDA Government Affairs Committee finalized the 2023 National Policy Agenda. The National Policy Agenda provides guidance on issue priorities and will guide our advocacy efforts on Capitol Hill and with regulatory agencies. Check out our website for the latest advocacy news.

Finally, the Certification Board of the NDA met in November at our DC headquarters to complete Certified Demolition Supervisor test questions. I am excited to announce that we will be promoting the certification at our Annual Convention & Expo.

With all that has been going on with the industry and at NDA—if you know someone who is not a member or you yourself are not a member—now is the time to join the NDA. Membership provides access to safety resources, demolition best practices, educational content, a company listing in our public Membership Directory, and so much more. Contact me directly at jlambert@demolitionassociation.com or apply for membership online at demolitionassociation.com.


Jeff Lambert

Executive Director


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