NDA Announces New Resources, Membership Growth

Published: 24/7

The National Demolition Association is pleased to announce a series of new member benefits and achievements, demonstrating their commitment to industry safety, education, and growth.


New Member Benefit: Starting Out Right Video Series

A new video series, “Starting Out Right,” is sure to become a valuable resource for new hires in the demolition industry. The series consists of 17 short, informative videos covering critical topics like pre-demolition checklists, utility safety, personal protective equipment (PPE), torch safety, hazardous materials, and other topics. Members can utilize these videos for individual training or as a comprehensive program. This series was created in partnership with Buildwitt, further strengthening the NDA’s member growth campaign.


Membership Growth Update

NDA is experiencing significant growth, with current membership at 468 companies. The recent Annual Convention & Expo in San Antonio saw a remarkable increase with more than 1,460 attendees, exceeding 2023’s numbers by 400. The Expo welcomed 108 exhibitors, and over 1,000 attendees participated in the Live DEMOlition Event. Notably, Live DEMOlition has grown significantly since 2019, boasting 27 participants and nearly 46 pieces of machinery in 2024, compared to 16 participants and 24 machinery pieces in 2019. Analysis revealed that more than 315 attendees representing approximately 150 companies, came from the NDAs prospect list. With more than 20 membership inquiries already received, NDA is actively pursuing these leads and collaborating with the Member Growth Committee on nearly two dozen more hot prospects. Their goal is to top 500 members by the end of 2024. 


Committee Updates

NDA’s dedicated committees continue their valuable work. The Industry Committee reviewed OSHA’s feedback on the Pre-Apprenticeship Guidance document. The Safety Committee is finalizing the Spanish translation of its extensive library of safety-oriented Toolbox Talks. And with just nine months to go before the 2025 Convention & Expo in New Orleans, our Convention Committee is laying the groundwork by organizing new subcommittees, arranging meeting schedules, and selecting a location for the Live DEMOlition location. The Government Affairs Committee achieved a significant win by successfully advocating for the US Environmental Protection Agency to deny a petition calling for identifying PVC as hazardous waste. Additionally, NDA launched new webpages dedicated to government affairs and advocacy activities. These resources allow members to track legislation, engage with legislators, and access the latest federal guidance impacting the demolition industry.


48 New Certified Demolition Supervisors

NDA is proud to announce 48 new Certified Demolition Supervisors. This prestigious certification signifies the dedication and expertise of these members. The CDS program is gaining recognition, with some owner representatives including it in their requests for proposals. The next application window for the CDS exam will be announced soon. Earning this certification is an excellent opportunity for demolition professionals to stay ahead of the curve and elevate their companies’ standing among prospective customers.


Join NDA!

Underlying these and other initiatives is NDA’s commitment to supporting its members and the demolition industry. We encourage all demolition professionals to join and benefit from our extensive resources and programs. Visit www.demolitionassociation.com for more information on the Starting Out Right video series, CDS certification, membership benefits, and everything else NDA offers.


Jeff Lambert

Executive Director


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