Buffalo Turbine Launches District Disinfector Series
Published: 23/11, 2020
Buffalo Turbine has announced the launch of its District Disinfector series, the latest in its line of sprayers designed to aid municipalities and commercial operations in the fight against the Covid-19 coronavirus. Capable of disinfecting large areas, the easily deployed self-contained sprayer may be used with any truck or utility vehicle. Applications include cross walks, benches, lamp posts, mail boxes, bus stops, streets, sidewalks, building façades, park equipment, and stadiums. The sprayer is compatible with disinfectants registered with and approved by EPA, NYS DEC, CDC, and WHO.
The District Disinfector features the Bu?alo Turbine Turbulent Air Sprayer with rotary atomizing nozzle, ensuring maximum coverage of areas missed by many conventional sprayers, providing more complete and faster coverage that also assures workers have minimal exposure to hazards. The District Disinfector series is comprised of four models each tailored to different needs. The BT-CKB4-MDSS with carbureted engine, BT-CKB5EFI-MDSS with electronic fuel injection, BT-CKB3SQ-MDSS with two turbines and dual spray nozzles, and the BT-MEGA-MDSS, the most powerful model. The series features turbulent air for complete coverage has a droplet size of 50-200 microns, a horizontal throw of up to 125 ft (38m), a vertical throw of up to 30m and an adjustable atomizing nozzle flow rate to 12 gallons /min (0-45l/min).
The models spray any compatible disinfectant being designed to disinfect large areas with minimum human exposure using the same technology which combated the Zika virus in 2016. Trailer and tank options are available.